Structure of consciousness and authenticity in Bernard Lonergan: the centrality of the human factor.


  • Alfonso Lanzieri PFTIM - Napoli (Sezione San Luigi)



consciousness – authenticity – subject – understanding


The aim of this article is to show the importance of the notion of authenticity in the thought of the theologian and philosopher Bernard Lonergan (1904-1984). According to Canadian thinker, a genuine objectivity is the fruit of authentic subjectivity: the two are closely linked. Thus, the subject is invited to a "self-appropriation", which consists in an acknowledgment of the intentional dynamism of our consciousness. The correct development of the dynamism it's a question of subject's own authenticity, exercised at each level of human knowing. This perspective outlines the centrality of "human factor" in order to understanding the reality, make responsible decisions and in educational practice too.


2022-03-04 — Updated on 2022-03-22


How to Cite

Lanzieri, A. (2022). Structure of consciousness and authenticity in Bernard Lonergan: the centrality of the human factor. DYNAMIS. Journal of Philosophy and Educational Practices, 1(1), 65–76. (Original work published March 4, 2022)