No. 7 (2024): The school of the others #2
We devoted the issue n.5 to the examination of non-italian school systems: we explored how school is thought and done in Finland, England, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, United States.
In this issue we aim to expand out inquiry with a second part, involving new countries: Greece, Sweden, France, Estonia, Switzerland, China.
One of the clichés of Italian public opinion is that the school systems of other countries would be superior to the Italian one. But is it true? What do we really know?
In this issue we want to offer an overview of the functioning of European school systems, highlighting the pedagogical and anthropological principles which inspire them. We then intend to focus on some specifical current educational issues, in order to understand how they have been tackled in different countries: among these, inclusiveness, interdisciplinarity, digital innovation, assessment. We therefore ask experts of European school systems, in the form of an interview, to provide us with data and opinions on “the school of the others”.